
Step-by-Step Guide to Lifeguard Recertification

Lifeguarding is a vital role that requires rigorous training and recertification to ensure that lifeguards are always prepared to handle emergencies effectively. This is because it helps lifeguards stay updated with the latest lifesaving techniques and procedures. Lifeguarding recertification process, as outlined in this guide by the American Lifeguard Association, guarantees you an extensive step by step procedure.

Knowing the Importance of Recertification

Before we delve into the steps, it is important to explain why we need recertification. The inconsistency of safety protocols and emergency response techniques makes it necessary for lifeguards’ skills to be kept current. Through recertification lifeguards uphold their high level of competence making them more effective in their roles while protecting people’s lives.

Step 1: Check Your Certification Expiry Date

The first thing you should do when considering getting a recertification is checking when your present certification expires. Normally, lifeguard recertification last two years. It is advisable that you start the whole process at least several months prior to the certification’s expiration date so that it will not lapse without any interruptions.

Write your expiry date down on a calendar or diary.

Set reminders several months before the expiry date.

Step 2: Find a Recertification Course

Next up, find a good recertification program. The American Lifeguard Association offers many courses throughout the country giving room for choice of location and schedule flexibility.

How to Find a Course:

Access American Lifeguard Association website

Look for a nearby course through course locator tool.

Check available schedules and courses on offer.

Step 3: Review Course Prerequisites

Each individual course may have different prerequisites for its participants during recertification exercise .Generally speaking, one must possess valid or recently expired certification for becoming eligible for participating in recertification programs meant for lifeguards.

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Common Prerequisites:

Proof of current or recently expired certification.

Basic swimming competency.

Physical fitness to perform lifeguarding duties.

Step 4: Register for the Course

The next step is registration once you have identified an appropriate program and scrutinized the prerequisites. To make sure that you secure a spot, it is advisable to register early because these courses fill up quickly.

Registration Process:

Complete the online registration form provided on the American Lifeguard Association website.

Pay the required fees as indicated.

Get a confirmation email regarding your enrollment in a specific course.

Step 5: Prepare for the Course

Before enrolling to any recertification course, one should be prepared. You need to read through the materials offered during registration and try to remind yourself of some basic techniques of lifeguarding.

Preparation Tips:

Study most recent lifeguarding manual

Practice CPR and first aid techniques regularly.

Engage in regular exercises to keep fit all the time

Step 6: Attend the Recertification Course

Attending this course is by far the most critical phase of recertification. The syllabus typically involves both theoretical and practical elements.

Classroom Sessions: Covering updated protocols, emergency procedures, new safety techniques.

Practical Training: Hands-on practice of rescue techniques, CPR, and first aid administration

Assessment: Both written and practical exams to test your knowledge and skills.

Step 7: Pass the Examinations

Your recertification process cannot be complete unless you pass these examinations. These exams will evaluate not only your knowledge about different lifeguarding concepts but also their application in real life situations like emergencies response plans and communication skills with victims among others,

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Written Exam: Multiple choice questions on protocols guiding lifeguards while responding to emergencies .

Practical Exam: Demonstration of rescue techniques including CPR and First Aid Procedures..

Step 8: Receive Your Recertification

For having completed successfully this course including passing those examinations, you will be awarded with lifeguard recertification. This certification may last for yet another period of two years.

Receiving Your Certification:

Get your recertification card from the course instructor or through mail.

Ensure that what is on the card is accurate.

Always maintain a hard and soft copy of your certification for future use.

Step 9: Maintain Your Skills

It is necessary to practice and upgrade one’s skills even after recertification. Participating in regular training sessions, attending workshops, and reading up on the most recent lifeguarding techniques can assist you in maintaining your proficiency.

Ongoing Skill Maintenance:

Participate in regular training session

Volunteer for drills and mock rescues

Stay updated with latest safety procedures and methods.


Recertification is an important part of maintaining high standards expected from lifeguards. By adhering strictly to this step-by-step guide, you will always be competent enough to save lives. Through the entire process American Lifeguard Association aims at providing you all needed support as well as resources so that you are always ready to undertake your responsibilities efficiently. Besides being a way of reinforcing your skill-set, recertification can further demonstrate how much you care about those whom you serve by ensuring their safety at all times.

By maintaining currency in your certification, you continue to be an asset within your community who can act confidently and effectively when faced with emergencies.

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